About Vaughn

Vaughn Nystrom

I know that a bio is normally written in the third person ("Vaughn Nystrom is a coaching dynamo…") because it sounds more objective. But since coaching is primarily a one-on-one experience, I'd rather speak directly to you.

I'm a father of 5 children, and a husband (still deeply in love with my college sweetheart). I have degrees in Marketing and History, and a Masters in Economics. My work over the years covers a broad range of experience, including musician, Peace Corps volunteer, teacher, business executive, business owner (not coaching), and consultant (organizational, systems, web, and sales).

"When we do the best we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or the life of another."
- Helen Keller

I have always been fascinated by how people get things done, which I guess you could call effectiveness. Too, I've made a game out of finding better ways to do things, which I'd call efficiency. Add to that my love of learning itself, my lifelong interest in personal growth and development, and my enjoyment in helping and watching others realize their potential, and you've got the makings of a good coach.

But I may not be for everybody. I offer no programs (you are the program). What I do offer is what Carl Rogers once described as "unconditional positive regard." Which doesn't mean I simply agree with you, but that I'll be there with you as you plan your journey, take steps towards, and achieve whatever you decide matters in your life today.


"Being busy does not always mean real work.
The object of all work is production or accomplishment
and to either of these ends there must be forethought,
system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose,
as well as perspiration."
—Thomas Alva Edison

Our Mission

Our mission is to work in your world, providing support for you as you create the life that matters to you.